
  • The Iconic Shots Of Steven Spielberg

    The Iconic Shots Of Steven Spielberg

    Video: If you’ve ever wondered why you knew the name Steven Spielberg before you knew anything about movies, just remember how much fun you had watching his movies. His eye for specific shots and his films’ visual style set the template for what we all enjoy in movies. Here are 30 of his most memorable…

  • The Powerful Art Of The Opening Shot Of Iconic Movies

    The Powerful Art Of The Opening Shot Of Iconic Movies

    A movie’s opening shot prepares you for the entire movie. Sometimes you already know a masterpiece is being woven together. Other times you buckle in for a wild action packed ride. Or know that you’re about to laugh the theatre’s roof off. It’s important for a movie’s opening shot to set the tone.

  • Why David Fincher Might Be The Best Director In Hollywood Today

    Why David Fincher Might Be The Best Director In Hollywood Today

    David Fincher is one of the best directors in Hollywood. If you disagree, you need new eyeballs. Tony Zhou of Every Frame a Painting shows how it’s not what Fincher does in his movies that make him special, but what he doesn’t do. Fincher’s talent and skills are incredible but it’s his restraint that sets…