
  • Americans Have a Snack Problem

    Americans Have a Snack Problem

    A study estimated that snacking contributes to around 20% of an average American’s daily caloric intake, and these snacks often add little nutritional value. The scientists found, though, that people with type 2 diabetes seem to eat fewer snack-related calories. The study was led by scientists from The Ohio State University. Research has consistently shown…

  • Can You Eat So Much That You Die?

    Can You Eat So Much That You Die?

    Can you eat yourself to death in one occasion of very excessive eating? We know that our eating problem is bad, albeit gradual: No one’s ever died from eating three Big Macs, but plenty of people may have died from eating three Big Macs twice a week for thirty years (some, miraculously, have managed to…

  • Is It Legal To Eat While Driving?

    Most drivers don’t give a second thought to snacking behind the wheel. We have fast food drive-thrus all over the country, so it must be legal, right? As it turns out, “eat-driving” might not be as safe – or as lawful – as you think.