electric bicycle

  • The Mercedes Formula E Team Makes Electric Bikes Now

    The Mercedes Formula E Team Makes Electric Bikes Now

    Motorsport teams are always on the lookout for new ways to part fans from their hard-earned cash. Whether it’s branded baseball caps, swanky sunglasses or mini replica helmets, they’re experts at it. And now, the Mercedes Formula E squad has a new line of electric bikes desperate to deprive you of a few thousand dollars.

  • Here’s How Porsche Got An In On E-Bikes

    Here’s How Porsche Got An In On E-Bikes

    For almost a hundred years, Porsche has made very nice gas-powered cars. But, did you know that since the 1990s it has also dabbled in bike manufacturing? Now, it’s ambitions for the bike world have taken a huge step forward as it becomes a serious investor in e-bikes.