
  • SNAFU: The U.S. Air Force Just Survived a Reply-All Apocalypse

    SNAFU: The U.S. Air Force Just Survived a Reply-All Apocalypse

    It happens to the best of us: you meant to send an email to one or two people and, whoops, now you’ve accidentally blitzed your entire company or your school. For the sender, the “reply all” incident (also known as an “email storm” or a “Replyallcalypse”) is a thing of dread and humiliation; for the…

  • What’s the Most Dangerous Emerging Technology?

    What’s the Most Dangerous Emerging Technology?

    Those inclined to think apocalyptically know that tech, in its purest form, spells civilizational disaster. It is true that we might never see a world filled with violent hypertrophic CRISPR babies, and uncontrollable self-driving cars, and AI intent on twisting humans into paperclips. Our tech-hastened end, if and when it does arrive, will probably look…

  • The Queen Really Hates Harry and Meghan’s Kid

    The Queen Really Hates Harry and Meghan’s Kid

    Queen Elizabeth has endorsed reducing plastic pollution at Buckingham Palace, but it turns out the monarchy may not be taking a climate-friendly turn just yet. On Wednesday, the Guardian published a scathing report detailing how the Queen spent months quietly lobbying Scottish ministers to exempt her private land from a major initiative to cut carbon emissions.