
  • Giant Underground Pools of Water Are Batteries of the Future

    Giant Underground Pools of Water Are Batteries of the Future

    In an energy-efficient future, homes may be heated and cooled by pumping from giant pools of water stored underground. A study published this month in Applied Energy looks at how underground aquifers could help significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help store energy produced by renewables.

  • Can You Recycle Aluminium Foil?

    Can You Recycle Aluminium Foil?

    Aluminium cans are the quintessential easy recyclable. There’s no draconian number-sorting scheme, no lids to remove, and usually the quickest of rinses serves to get them clean. Beverage cans are infinitely recyclable, as they can be processed into new cans, sheet metal, or anything else aluminium any number of times, without the material degrading or…