
  • Pouring Hot Water On Skittles Is Truly Magical

    Pouring Hot Water On Skittles Is Truly Magical

    Video: Skittles’ “taste the rainbow” tagline seems all the more appropriate when you arrange the colourful lollies in a ring on a plate and pour hot water over them. They immediately begin to melt and bleed colour, producing a rainbow design that’s straight up magical without the need for a wand.

  • What Happens When You Shoot A Liquid Nitrogen Gun At A Flamethrower

    What Happens When You Shoot A Liquid Nitrogen Gun At A Flamethrower

    Ah, in a tale as old as ice and fire, here’s a liquid nitrogen ‘squirt gun’ versus a flamethrower. The Backyard Scientist outfitted a liquid nitrogen canister with a release valve that basically turns liquid nitrogen into a freeze ray death weapon of sorts (as in, the pressure makes the liquid nitrogen shoot out pretty…