Has The Zodiac Killer Been Found?
A group of citizen investigators believe they’ve found the identity of the Zodiac Killer. Law enforcement says the case remains open.
What We Know So Far About the SolarWinds Hacking Scandal
After infiltrating a Texas-based software company, an elite group of hackers turned its most widely used product into a Trojan horse. Their plan couldn’t have worked better. At least a half dozen government agencies (so far) and an untold number of America’s wealthiest corporations led them heedlessly right through the gates.
Duh: FBI Warned Doorbell Cams Can Also Tip Suspects Off to Approaching Cops
The FBI warned in a November 2019 bulletin that smart video doorbells, such as Amazon’s Ring or Google’s Nest Hello cameras, could tip off suspects that police are coming for them, according to a Monday report in the Intercept.
Pro-Privacy Lawmakers Secure a Vote to Protect Browsing Data From Warrantless FBI Collection
In a hard-fought victory for privacy reformers, the U.S. House of Representatives is now expected to vote as early as Wednesday on an amendment that would explicitly prohibit the warrantless collection of internet search and browsing history without a warrant, sources tell Gizmodo.