
  • Why Does The Power Of The Flu Shot Change Each Year?

    Why Does The Power Of The Flu Shot Change Each Year?

    It’s still flu season, but a preliminary report by the US Centres for Disease Control suggests this year’s flu shot is nearly 50 per cent effective at reducing a person’s chance of getting sick. This is actually pretty good considering that, just two years ago, the flu shot’s effectiveness was down at a paltry 19…

  • How To Clear Your Sinuses In 20 Seconds

    With the sudden onset of Autumn weather, cold and flu season is back for the year — which can bring painfully blocked sinuses. This tip has been one of our most popular since it was first posted in 2012, as it seems to work for a huge number of people, and it’s as simple as…

  • Why The Flu Vaccine Doesn’t Always Work

    Why The Flu Vaccine Doesn’t Always Work

    The flu is going to be brutal this year. The United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is already seeing more cases than usual, and we’ve yet to hit peak flu season. To make matters worse, this year’s flu vaccine is less effective than usual, thanks to decisions that were made nearly a year…

  • Scientist Creates New Flu Virus That Can Kill All Of Humanity

    Scientist Creates New Flu Virus That Can Kill All Of Humanity

    Working at a lab with a relatively low level-two biosafety rating, University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka has created a strain of flu that can completely escape the human immune system. The new genetically-engineered virus is based on H1N1, which killed around 500,000 people just five years ago.