forensic science
Virginia Cops Used Fake DNA Docs to Coerce Confessions. Somehow, That’s Legal
DNA forensics, at their best, are intended to bring an air of scientific confidence to the criminal justice system to hopefully prevent the worst kinds of wrongful convictions. Those good intentions are made meaningless though when bad cops decide to fight dirty.
Smartphone Videos Can Now Be Analysed And Used To Pinpoint The Location Of A Shooter
Complex arrays of microphones are often used by law enforcement and the military to help quickly pinpoint where the sound of gunfire originates. But researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have found that videos captured by smartphones can be just as useful for determining the location of a shooter.
Cops In Wales Caught A Drug Dealer By IDing His Fingerprint From A WhatsApp Photo
Photo: Getty Police in Wales managed to arrest and convict a drug dealer by identifying his fingerprint from a photo posted on WhatsApp, a technique that the local law enforcement is calling “groundbreaking,” according to the BBC.
Jack The Ripper Letters Were Fake News, Linguistic Analysis Suggests
Following the brutal Whitechapel murders of 1888, London police and media outlets were deluged with letters claiming to have been written by Jack the Ripper. While discerning the authorship of these messages, a researcher from the University of Manchester has concluded that two of the earliest letters were written by the same person – a…