Tech News: 5 Things to Know in Australia Today
From a ban on EVs in a U.S. state to a $7.7 million fine for TikTok in France, here are five things headlining tech news today.
France Bans Tech and Gaming Words
Yes, you read the headline correctly: France is banning English video game jargon in favour of more French terminology.
Bitche Gets Turfed As Facebook’s Profanity Filter Goes Into Overdrive
Bitche, France is a very real place, but Facebook didn’t seem to think so when it wiped the town from the platform due to ‘profanity’.
That Stranded Ship Leaking Tons of Oil Near Mauritius Just Split in Two
The Mauritius oil spill, predicted to be one of the worst ecological disasters in the island nation’s history, worsened this weekend after the stranded ship responsible for the mess broke in two.