
  • This Is Labor’s Plan For The NBN

    Two weeks out from the Australian federal government election on July 2, the Labor Party has released its policy documents for its plan for the National Broadband Network. Labor’s NBN plan, it says, will build fibre to the premises (FTTP) NBN to “up to two million more” Australian homes and businesses, double the number covered…

  • What Is FTTdp?

    The five-letter acronym on every telco nerd’s mind at the moment — FTTdp — stands for fibre to the distribution point. Sitting somewhere in between fibre to the node (FTTN) and fibre to the premises (FTTP or FTTH) in speed, cost and complexity, it’s a new potential technology that may feature heavily in the future…

  • The NBN Debate Will Never Be Over

    Opinion: “Let’s quit fussing around.” The chief executive of the National Broadband Network company hopes that we are “past that” annoying war over fibre to the node versus fibre to the premises, and that we can all as a nation just concentrate on getting everybody connected to the NBN. But it’s not that easy.