game streaming

  • What Twitch’s New Raiding System Means For Streamers

    What Twitch’s New Raiding System Means For Streamers

    Twitch’s latest update introduces a tool that lets a streamer instantly transport their viewers to somebody else’s channel. Known as “raiding,” this has been used in the past to harass people. Now that Twitch is making raids an official part of the platform, however, some streamers think the new feature will make it easier to…

  • I’m Playing Xbox On Windows 10, And You Can Too

    I’m Playing Xbox On Windows 10, And You Can Too

    Yesterday, my wife wanted to play some Kingdom Hearts. I was in the mood for Titanfall. We only have one TV. So I pulled out a Surface 3 tablet, plugged in an Xbox One controller, and started streaming the game from my Xbox to my portable PC. It’s a new Windows 10 feature.