geological history of earth

  • 7 Epic Epochs of Earth, Ranked

    7 Epic Epochs of Earth, Ranked

    Life on Earth is a lot like that song by Chumbawamba. It gets knocked down, but it gets up again, often in a very different way. Through time, species have figured out how to get on land from the water, how to fly, how to give birth to live young, and, most importantly, how to…

  • These Mole-Like Critters Lived Under the Feet of Dinosaurs

    These Mole-Like Critters Lived Under the Feet of Dinosaurs

    Before an asteroid completely changed the course of Earth’s evolutionary trajectory, the world was filled with scaled and feathered dinosaurs, web-winged pterosaurs, and, as a new study describes, precursors to modern mammals that eked out existence in burrows they dug into the Cretaceous soil.