The Best Gifts and Gadgets to Help Your Youngest Child Build Character
Children are wonderful miracles. The way they go from babies to chaos to creatures with genuine personalities and feelings all their own is remarkable. But youngest kids of a multi-child household are another story. They are nightmare hellions with little regard for others, an incredible capacity to care only about themselves, and a tattletale cry…
Research Shows That Doing A Bad Job Wrapping Presents Will Make A Person Like Your Gift Even More
The hectic holidays are approaching, but according to a study shared in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, you shouldn’t waste your time immaculately wrapping the gifts you bought everyone—they’re more inclined to like what’s inside if the presents are wrapped poorly.
Gizmodo’s Gift Guide For Poor Buggers With Children
Hi, parent of two children under five here. I stink of vomit, poo and stale urine. I’m on four hours sleep right. Children are a treasure. Christmas is coming. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? Maybe it will be if you buy me something to either satiate the demons barking and biting…
Aussie Brothers Save Up For Years To Buy Mum Her Dream BMW For Christmas
Brothers Daniel and Jason Knust of Wollongong, Australia, wanted to show their mum Carol how much they appreciate her by getting her the car she’s always wanted: a BMW 3 Series. So, they saved up for ten years to buy her one for Christmas. In this video, her completely incredulous reaction is just the best.