google plus

  • How Pinterest Could Save Google

    How Pinterest Could Save Google

    It’s no secret that Google desperately wants Google+ to be the cornerstone of how you use the internet. The problem? No one’s taking the bait. It might be time for something drastic. Something like backing up several truckloads of cash to buy Pinterest, a social network crammed full of 10 million people who actually want…

  • You Spend 120 Times Longer On Facebook Than Google+

    You Spend 120 Times Longer On Facebook Than Google+

    We all know Google+ is hardly the Facebook contender Page and co hoped for. But according to data from comScore, reported by the Wall Street Journal, visitors to the sites using computers spent an average of about three minutes a month on Google+ between last September and January, versus six to seven hours on Facebook…

  • Google’s New Plan: Annoy You Into Compliance

    Google+ users just got a pretty horrible new feature: search your name, and instead of finding out information about yourself, you’re asked to provide it. Quite simply, Google won’t give you information until you give it information. Guh.