
  • Pouring Saltwater Over Graphene Generates Electricity

    Pouring Saltwater Over Graphene Generates Electricity

    A team of Chinese scientists did an impossible-sounding thing. They created electricity simply by dragging a droplet of saltwater across a layer of graphene. No big fires, no greenhouse gases, no fuss. They created energy with just a miracle material and one of the most plentiful substances on Earth.

  • World’s Thinnest LED Is Only Three Atoms Thick

    World’s Thinnest LED Is Only Three Atoms Thick

    LEDs have come a long ways. From the early ’70s when a bulky LED watch cost thousands of dollars to LG’s announcement last month that it had created an OLED TV as thin as a magazine, these glowing little bits of magic have become wonderfully cheap and impossibly small. But guess what: they’re about to…

  • Graphene’s Newest Trick Is Fighting Deadly Blood Clots

    Graphene’s Newest Trick Is Fighting Deadly Blood Clots

    Man, graphene is shaping up to be a real wonder-material (if it can make it out of the lab and into the real world). Chalk up another future use: a coating that eliminates blood clotting in medical devices by kickstarting the body’s natural clot-fighting mechanism that lasts way longer than anti-clotting drugs. Cool!