
  • There’s a New Way to Hack and Steal a Tesla Via Bluetooth

    There’s a New Way to Hack and Steal a Tesla Via Bluetooth

    Surprise, there’s a new way to hack and steal a Tesla in mere minute by using Bluetooth. How the new Tesla hack works Lennert Wouters  security researcher from KU Leuven in Belgium, has demonstrated a vulnerability in keyless entry functionality of the Tesla Model X. He said that it’s possible for a key fob’s firmware…

  • UK Authorities Allege Russian Hackers Targeted the 2020 Olympics

    UK Authorities Allege Russian Hackers Targeted the 2020 Olympics

    As if the 2020 Olympics haven’t had enough hurdles to contend with, it looks like we can add cyberattacks to the list. Earlier today, UK officials put out a memo noting that hackers working with the GRU — Russia’s military intelligence agency — had carried out numerous cyberattacks against major sponsors, organisers, and other key…

  • Tesla Wins Its Lawsuit Against Martin Tripp

    Tesla Wins Its Lawsuit Against Martin Tripp

    After two years and a ton of Twitter drama, it looks like Tesla’s suit against ex-technician, Martin Tripp, has finally come to a somewhat uneasy end. Nevada District courts ruled late Thursday that Tripp — who was fired from the automaker in late 2018 on claims that he’d plundered trade secrets — had also fallen…