
  • What If The Asteroid Never Killed The Dinosaurs?

    An asteroid slammed down and did away with all the dinosaurs, paving the way for such developments as the human race, capitalism, and posting on the internet: it’s the story we all know and love. Yet if things had shaken out differently—if the asteroid had stayed in its place, and the dinosaurs allowed to proceed…

  • An Argument For An Intermission During Avengers: Endgame

    An Argument For An Intermission During Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame is the rare kind of film whose three-hour, intermission-less runtime is a price audiences are willing to pay without batting an eye because, as Marvel Studios keeps reminding everyone, this is the end of an era. A narrative climax of Endgame’s proportions rightfully deserves to take its time. But people also deserve to…

  • This Is What The Sonic Boom From The Concorde Sounded Like

    This Is What The Sonic Boom From The Concorde Sounded Like

    The Concorde, in case you were born after it retired in 2003, was the only passenger airliner to fly faster than the speed of sound. That very feature is directly responsible for its demise. It was too thirsty, too small, and the routes it could fly were extremely limited because it made an enormous CRA-BOOM…