
  • How Historically Accurate Is Saving Private Ryan?

    How Historically Accurate Is Saving Private Ryan?

    Video: Few movie scenes capture the horror of war like Saving Private Ryan. Seeing the storming of the beach in all its ugliness — the fear, the seasickness, the bullets, the desperation, the death — gives us a cold look at the reality of D-Day and how terrifying it must have been. But just how…

  • What’s Actually Inside An Aeroplane’s Black Box?

    What’s Actually Inside An Aeroplane’s Black Box?

    Whenever you hear about a tragic plane crash, you always hear about the mythical black box. What exactly does the black box do and what’s even inside it? What’s Inside took a look by cutting the black box (it’s not actually black) in half and ripping it open to see its guts.

  • Watch A Cruise Ship Get Built 

    Watch A Cruise Ship Get Built 

    Cruise ships are basically giant floating cities. How do you build a giant floating city? Well, it’s pretty much like playing with Lego bricks. This time lapse shows the construction process of building AIDA Cruises’ new flagship in Nagasaki: the AIDAprima. The AIDAprima can hold up to 3,300 passengers with 900 crew members and is…

  • Here’s Why Stanley Kubrick Was Such A Great Director

    Here’s Why Stanley Kubrick Was Such A Great Director

    Video: If you have some free time, watch this 20 minute dive into why Stanley Kubrick was such a master filmmaker. If you don’t have some free time, make some. Channel Criswell’s look into the cinematic experience of Stanley Kubrick is so well done and so well researched that it’s absolutely worth checking out.