
  • Aptly Titled Short Suspense Finds Terror in the Treetops

    Aptly Titled Short Suspense Finds Terror in the Treetops

    After he’s caught in a tree during his descent and left dangling high above the ground, a paratrooper’s situation is already looking pretty precarious — and then he realises there’s something lurking in the forest. Directed by Ben and Jacob Burghart, short Suspense lives up to its title in all the meanings of the word.

  • WandaVision Toys and Merch That Will Cast a Hex on Your Wallet

    WandaVision Toys and Merch That Will Cast a Hex on Your Wallet

    WandaVision may be over, but the merchandising has just begun. Now that we’ve all seen Wanda in her full outfit as the Scarlet Witch, companies have revealed a plethora of action figures, replicas, clothes, and more celebrating/monetising Marvel’s new sorceress supreme. Check out all the newest WandaVision toys and collectibles you can purchase in your…