ipod touch apps

  • Watch This Cute Trailer For Tiny Wings 2

    iOS developer Andreas Illiger’s handmade trailer for the soon-to-be-released update of his super popular game Tiny Wings is a charming, old-school tribute — a tiny music box and a spool of illustrated paper — to a celebrated achievement of modern technology.

  • Pixound Turns Photos Into Musical Instruments

    Pixound brings an intriguing approach to the music app: letting you play any photo as if it were a musical instrument. That was enough to get our attention, and when we first started playing around with the Pixound app for iOS ($0.99), we thought it was a neat gimmick, but probably not worth a buck.

  • A Delightful Tamagotchi Pet To Hang With

    Remember Tamagotchi? That time-sucking virtual pet that exploded into a formidable 90’s fad and distracted millions of school children from their studies? The new Hatchi App is Tamagotchi for your iPhone. Say goodbye to your productivity. Say hello to your new friend.