javier bardem

  • Dune Is the Jaw-Dropping Sci-Fi Epic You’ve Been Waiting For

    Dune Is the Jaw-Dropping Sci-Fi Epic You’ve Been Waiting For

    Dune feels like a product from another time in Hollywood history. A movie with the scope and vision of modern blockbusters that tells a complex, mature story usually reserved for independent dramas. It’s hugely ambitious, not always straightforward, but accessible and lived-in in a way that makes watching it completely engrossing, even when the thrills…

  • A Guide To Dune’s Gargantuan Cast Of Characters

    A Guide To Dune’s Gargantuan Cast Of Characters

    This could be the biggest movie event of 2020—and we mean that literally. There are so many characters in Dune that it’s hard to keep them straight. We’ve got a handy guide to the biggest characters in Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation (with as few spoilers as possible) and who’s playing them, as well as a few others we…