
  • You Can Get A Refund On Your Faulty JVC TV From Dick Smith

    Owners of faulty JVC branded televisions bought from Dick Smith prior to administration found themselves with no way to get a repair, replacement or refund. Following a string of complaints to the ACCC, Yale Prima — the manufacturer responsible for the 12 month warranties on the products, has now agreed to offer full refunds to…

  • The Best Action Camera: Q2 2014 Edition

    The Best Action Camera: Q2 2014 Edition

    You can’t just do something dangerous and insane these days without filming it for posterity. And while action cameras let us relieve these life-highlights over and over, they aren’t all created equal. We decided to see for ourselves which one could handle your extreme adventures best.

  • JVC’s Security Cameras Allow 3D Touch Modelling

    The stereotypical image of a security guard is one of a somewhat older gentleman of portly build, staring at a black and white closed circuit TV system. JVC’s prototype of its surveillance camera system is a little more ambitious than that, allowing for guards to scroll through the building with the flick of a finger.