knights bachelor

  • Facebook Has a New Metascapegoat

    Facebook Has a New Metascapegoat

    Mark Zuckerberg has named a new sucker to take his punches. In a blog post, Meta’s founder and CEO said Nick Clegg would now “lead our company on all policy matters,” and decide how the company interacts with governments under the new, glitzy title, “President, Global Affairs.”

  • Richard Branson Didn’t Go To Space

    Richard Branson Didn’t Go To Space

    The billionaire Richard Branson went 87 km into the sky on Sunday, short of the Kármán line, which is 100 km above sea level and where it is generally agreed that space begins. Branson did surpass 80 km above sea level, above which NASA gives out astronaut wings. But come on, man, Branson’s stunt only…