
  • Vodafone Opens Registration For iPhone 5

    Or… something. Technically, Vodafone’s not actually said what it’s opening up registration for, but Gus has noticed over at Lifehacker that it’s possible to register with Vodafone for… something. Given the general level of hype, it’s not a shocking idea to suggest this might be the iPhone 5. It leaves me wondering — what would…

  • Live From The Windows 7 Launch Party

    I’m here at the National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour for the official launch of Microsoft’s new Windows 7 OS. There are lots of people, lots of PCs and lots of posters for Windows 7. We’ve just been let inside the theatre, and – battery life dependant – I’ll let you know what’s happening here…

  • The Sydney Apple Store Is Open!

    About 40 minutes ago, the Sydney Apple Store opened its doors to the hoardes of rabid fans that had been lining up outside. The corner of George Street and King Street was packed, shoulder-to-shoulder with curious workers, interested tourists and indifferent passers-by. But no matter who it was, there was one company on everybody’s lips…

  • Dell launch tomorrow: what should I ask?

    At a Dell launch event tomorrow, I have some time for a one on one with Jeff Morris, Dell’s client computing strategist. He’s a point of contact between what customers (like us) want, and the product design and development operations. From my earlier query about the general nuisance of crapware, Dell mentioned it would be…