
  • Star Trek Letting Its Heroes Age Is a Fascinating Thing

    Star Trek Letting Its Heroes Age Is a Fascinating Thing

    There’s a moment in the climax of Star Trek: Picard’s season two premiere when Q, the omnipotent bane of Jean-Luc’s life, appears in the latter’s humble French estate. He has had, like so many returning figures of classic pop culture of late, the process of time smoothed out by CG, to give us a semblance of…

  • Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus… in Star Wars

    Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus… in Star Wars

    While Life Day will always be Star Wars’ most famous holiday, there are more. Many more. There’s an entire galaxy full of celebrations, festivals, and observances including, somewhat surprisingly, the planet Aargau’s Take Your Daughter to Work Day. And, while it’s unknown if Space Jesus was born in the Star Wars galaxy to absolve Ponda…