The 15 Most Fun Evolutionary Adaptations
Billions of years of evolution has given rise to us, the millions of species that persist on planet Earth today. Some of us are small, some of us are big, and some of us have huge ears, flat tails, compound eyes, or infrared vision. Each of these adaptations has its merits, but only a handful…
Check Out These Winning Pics of Plants, Fungi, Whales, and Dinosaurs
The BMC Ecology and Evolution photo competition has come to an end, and the winners and runners-up cover a diverse sweep of the animal and fungal kingdoms. From ongoing conservation efforts to investigations of life-long extinct, these images show how humans interrogate and try to protect the world around them. Enjoy this short list of…
Is Our Most Distant Animal Relative the Sponge or the Comb Jelly?
Scientists explore the data around what animal is the most distant relative of humans: the sponge or comb jelly.
NASA Produces Building Blocks Of Life In Experimental Recreation Of Ancient Earth
How did life first start? Scientists hoping to answer that question are recreating the conditions of early Earth’s oceans in a lab.