
  • A New Gravitational Wave Detector Makes Its First Discovery

    A New Gravitational Wave Detector Makes Its First Discovery

    Image: The Virgo Collaboration Arguably the most exciting recent development in astronomy was 2016’s announcement of the discovery of gravitational waves, waves that literally ripple the shape of space itself, created by violent events like black holes colliding. But every gravitational wave discovery had always been done with only two detectors, meaning that scientists only…

  • The Hunt For Gravitational Waves Is Officially Headed To Space

    The Hunt For Gravitational Waves Is Officially Headed To Space

    It took around a hundred years between Albert Einstein crafting his theory of general relativity and the confirmation of one of its wildest predictions, gravitational waves. So naturally, folks have been especially sceptical about funding expensive projects to look harder for them. But now that experiments are actually finding gravitational waves, scientists are ready to…