luke cage

  • Netflix Doesn’t Care That You Care About Ratings

    Netflix Doesn’t Care That You Care About Ratings

    One of the more interesting parts of Netflix becoming one of the most disruptive studios in Hollywood is that, from the outside, there’s no real way to measure just how successful any of its movies or series are, because the company doesn’t release comprehensive data about what subscribers watch. From Netflix’s perspective, though, more transparency…

  • The Fictional People And Things We Lost In 2018

    The Fictional People And Things We Lost In 2018

    Damn, 2018 sure was a cruel year for pop culture fans, with tons of beloved characters being killed off in television, movies, and video games. Not to mention long-running TV shows being axed off this mortal coil forever (some of which, frankly, really needed to be put out of their misery).