
  • Spider-Man 4 Already in Active Development

    Spider-Man 4 Already in Active Development

    The cinematic state of Spider-Man was in surprising disarray back in 2019 after the success of Far From Home. At the time, Sony and Marvel had a public split over Disney wanting more box office earnings from the MCU-set movies about the wallcrawler, but that deal eventually sorted itself out and gave us the just-released…

  • Captain Carter Suits Up for Her Solo Comic in 2022

    Captain Carter Suits Up for Her Solo Comic in 2022

    After What If…?’s first episode introduced the world to a version of Peggy Carter that took the Super Soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers, fans really took a shine to that version of Haley Atwell’s character. With this iteration of Peggy also set to be the lead of the show’s eventual sophomore season, it’s not…

  • The Castlevania Studio Almost Made a Marvel Anthology Cartoon

    The Castlevania Studio Almost Made a Marvel Anthology Cartoon

    There’ve been a lot of Marvel cartoons over the decades, and there will continue to be more as its characters spin off into bigger properties. However, we don’t always hear about the Marvel cartoons that don’t happen, of which there’s probably many. But Brad Graeber, CEO of Castlevania creators Powerhouse Animation, has decided to pull…