Old School Kaiju Icons Collide In This Retro Re-Imagining Of The Godzilla: King Of The Monsters Trailer
Few things are certain in life, but one constant is this: When there is a new trailer for Godzilla: King of the Monsters out, there will inevitably be a fan mashup that recreates it using footage from Japanese tokusatsu films.
Guitar Hero Is Now A Yu-Gi-Oh-Style Card Game For Aspiring DJs
Harmonix is best known for video games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, and cluttering up your living room with fake plastic instruments. Its next music game, however, trades guitars and drum sets for collectable cards, and has aspiring DJs competing to remix songs — like playing Yu-Gi-Oh in the club.
There’s One Big Problem With Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman/Star Wars Mashup Video
Zack Snyder has never made it a secret that he’s a Star Wars fan. During production on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, he and Star Wars director J.J. Abrams would exchange fun photos on social media, mashing up the DC and Star Wars universes. But Snyder just took it to another level.
The Power Rangers Movie Trailer Is Much More Radical (But Still Kind Of Boring) With The Original Show’s Footage
Video: Last weekend at New York Comic Con we got our first proper look at the Power Rangers movie — and it was kinda boring. It was overtly serious, and nothing like what you’d expect from a bright and action-packed series like Power Rangers. Sadly, cutting the trailer to footage from the original show does…