Climate Explained: What Was The Medieval Warm Period?
CC BY-ND Climate Explained is a collaboration between The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre to answer your questions about climate change. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, please send it to What was the Medieval warm period? What caused it, and did carbon dioxide…
A Medievalist’s Guide To Decoding The Witcher’s Monsters
Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher is getting a lot of attention these days and come December 20, you can expect even more. Let’s explore the medieval folklore that inspired The Witcher saga”the monsters, the heroics and the trouble with being a freelance monster hunter.
Watch 300 Jedi Absolutely Slaughter 60,000 Medieval Soldiers
Thanks to all those Star Wars movies we know the Jedi can barely survive an attack from just a pair of evil Sith lords. But pit a small battalion of 300 lightsaber-wielding Jedi knights against a giant army of 60,000 medieval soldiers armed with only swords, and it’s not even a challenge.
Sorry But Medieval Armies Probably Didn’t Use Fire Arrows
Fire arrows are in everything from Gladiator to Braveheart to Game of Thrones. The good guys stretch their bows in unison and rain flaming death en masse onto the opposing army, looking like total badarses the whole time. But like so many things on this terrible planet, fire arrows are too good to be true…