meta platforms

  • You Can Stop Instagram From Tracking You Across Other Sites and Apps

    You Can Stop Instagram From Tracking You Across Other Sites and Apps

    It’s tough to use the internet without being tracked, but it’s not impossible. Companies are starting to hand us tools to help, such as Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature and DuckDuckGo’s App Tracking Protection. Even Meta, the company that makes its living on data collection, is now offering you a way to control how Instagram…

  • Meta Quest 3 Shows Us the Metaverse Dream isn’t Dead Yet

    Meta Quest 3 Shows Us the Metaverse Dream isn’t Dead Yet

    Watching the Meta Quest 3 being announced by Meta made me realise something – the hardware available for virtual, augmented and mixed reality is finally catching up with the big idea pitches everyone had about this concept called the “metaverse” a couple of years ago. Seeing this $799 headset, part of a product line formerly…