
  • Marc Andreessen Is Wrong About Everything

    Marc Andreessen Is Wrong About Everything

    For years, Marc Andreessen has had so much money he’s barely known what to do with himself. After striking it rich with the founding of Netscape during the ‘90s, he built himself into a mega-investor in a pantheon of Silicon Valley success stories, becoming a kingmaker in the upper echelons of tech. Now, after years…

  • DARPA’s a Bit Concerned About Tactical-Puking Attacks

    DARPA’s a Bit Concerned About Tactical-Puking Attacks

    In a scene seemingly pulled directly out of Cyberpunk 2077, DARPA, the army’s top research and development arm, is reportedly exploring ways to defend Army soldiers against “cognitive attacks” that could result in them puking under their HoloLens mixed reality headsets. Future wars, it seems, will be fought with guts in more ways than one.…

  • Adobe Unveils Special Symbol to Mark AI-Generated Content

    Adobe Unveils Special Symbol to Mark AI-Generated Content

    As ill-conceived and poor-quality AI content continues to flood the internet, designating that content as ill-conceived and poor quality is a paramount concern. To aid in that goal, Adobe and other companies have unveiled a new symbol to tag imagery created with artificial intelligence, informing viewers that all is not what it seems. The symbol…