
  • This E-Bike With Built-In ChatGPT Is the Epitome of Overblown AI Hype

    This E-Bike With Built-In ChatGPT Is the Epitome of Overblown AI Hype

    AI hype has officially reached “Metaverse” levels of incomprehensibility. Large language models are a wormhole sucking in any and all tech companies looking to promote long-existing products, and now e-bike maker Urtopia is one of the first companies trying to force chatbots on users who are simply trying to travel from A to B. In…

  • Microsoft Wants to Shoot Windows 11 Into the Cloud

    Microsoft Wants to Shoot Windows 11 Into the Cloud

    Microsoft’s head is already in the clouds for artificial intelligence, but in order to sell even more people on its AI services the company is reportedly working toward allowing the entire Windows 11 operating system to be streamed from the cloud for its user-end consumers.