Newly Discovered Apple M1 Security Flaw is Unpatchable
Apple’s blisteringly fast and remarkably efficient M1 chips have been the catalysts behind a recent MacBook resurgence, but MIT security researchers have found a chink in their armour.
A Broken 3D Printer Inspired This Futuristic Fabric
3D printers usually work by extruding long strings of molten plastic onto a surface. When MIT Media Lab researchers spotted a broken printer squirting out plastic erratically, they had an idea: By programming a normal home 3D printer, they could simulate that erratic extrusion and create a sort of light, flexible lace out of hot…
MIT Takes Down Popular AI Dataset Due to Racist, Misogynistic Content
Earlier this week, MIT permanently pulled its 80 Million Tiny Images dataset — a popular image database used to train machine learning systems to identify people and objects in an environment. The reason? It used racist, misogynistic, and other offensive terms to label photos.
MIT Report Finds That Jeffrey Epstein Donated $1.2 Million To MIT Media Lab, Professor Seth Lloyd
Disgraced financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein donated $US850,000 ($1,231,251) to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, per a university investigation that has found ex-MIT Media Lab director Joichi Ito and mechanical engineering professor Seth Lloyd solicited the contributions.