
  • Armour Wars Starring Don Cheadle Will Now Be a Marvel Movie

    Armour Wars Starring Don Cheadle Will Now Be a Marvel Movie

    Have you watched a Marvel Studios show on Disney+ and thought “I wish this was just a movie?” Well that just happened with development of the upcoming Armour Wars. The show, which stars Don Cheadle as War Machine, was being developed as a follow up from the events in next year’s Secret Invasion but now,…

  • Freshman Year is Basically a Spider-Man Season of What If

    Freshman Year is Basically a Spider-Man Season of What If

    The upcoming Spider-Man: Freshman Year cartoon was shrouded in some degree of secrecy since its initial reveal last year, but last weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, more information on the show came to light. Initially, it seemed like the cartoon would tell the story of MCU Peter Parker in his early days of heroism, but…