neural networks

  • Nvidia Taught An AI To Flawlessly Erase Watermarks From Photos

    Nvidia Taught An AI To Flawlessly Erase Watermarks From Photos

    Photographers already face an uphill battle in trying to preventing people from using their digital photos without permission. But Nvidia could make protecting photos online much harder with a new advancement in artificial intelligence that can automatically remove artefacts from a photograph, including text and watermarks, no matter how obtrusive they may be.

  • Adobe Has Taught An AI To Recognise Fake Photos

    Adobe Has Taught An AI To Recognise Fake Photos

    Even if you know what to look for, spotting phoney photos on the internet isn’t always the easiest thing to do — and it’s only going to get harder. Fortunately Adobe — who you could strongly argue is responsible for the whole “photoshopping” thing — is on the front lines, fighting forgeries with an AI…