What Jurassic World Dominion Gets Wrong About Dinosaurs, According to a Palaeontologist
Almost 30 years after Jurassic Park first screened, the beloved franchise is back with its latest film, Jurassic World Dominion.
Toothless, 33-Million-Year-Old Whale Could Be An Evolutionary ‘Missing Link’
A closer examination of a fossil found more than four decades ago has led to the identification of a new species of whale — a 33-million-year-old cetacean featuring neither teeth nor baleen. Its discovery could solve a longstanding mystery about the origin of filter-feeding whales, but some scientists say the new analysis isn’t wholly convincing.
Extraordinary Evidence Suggests 558-Million-Year-Old Fossil Is The Oldest Known Animal On The Planet
An international team of researchers is claiming to have discovered traces of cholesterol on a fossil of Dickinsonia — a mysterious creature that lived during the primordial Ediacaran Period. This evidence, the researchers say, makes Dickinsonia the oldest known animal in the fossil record. But the discovery is not without its critics, who say the…
This Stupid Tick Managed To Get Itself Wrapped In Spider Silk — And Then Fossilized In Amber
Around 100 million years ago, a tick ran into some bad luck. It had the misfortune of wandering onto a spider’s web, causing the proprietor to spring into action and wrap the interloping bug in a tomb made of silk. The situation then took a turn for the worse when the tick came into contact…