
  • There’s Trouble on Mars for NASA’s Perseverance Rover

    There’s Trouble on Mars for NASA’s Perseverance Rover

    The Perseverance rover is at risk of losing its ability to zap Martian rocks with lasers after one of its instruments began malfunctioning last month. One of two covers on SHERLOC, an instrument fitted on the end of the robot’s arm to look for microscopic clues on rocks, is partially open, interfering with the rover’s…

  • Things You Didn’t Know About NASA’s Mars Rovers

    Things You Didn’t Know About NASA’s Mars Rovers

    On July 4, 1997, a tiny, flat robot touched down on the surface of Mars and became the first wheeled vehicle to roam around on another planet. Since then, a fleet of Martian rovers have followed in the tracks of Sojourner and they have become bigger, better, and more autonomous over the years. Sojourner was…