peter capaldi

  • An Ode to the Doctor Who Hand Pose

    An Ode to the Doctor Who Hand Pose

    David Tennant’s Doctor is very big on hands. Well, most biped humanoids, Time Lords included, are quite keen on having all their limbs. But remember the sword fight in “Christmas Invasion”? Remember the fighting hand? Remember how he grew a whole other version of himself out of that hand four years later? But, most importantly,…

  • Doctor Who Could Keep Jodie Whittaker’s Companions Around

    Doctor Who Could Keep Jodie Whittaker’s Companions Around

    Anytime a Doctor is about to leave the TARDIS and people start speculating about the next incarnation of the United Kingdom’s favourite time-traveller, the BBC turns into MI-6 — trying to keep any possible clues or secrets of what future seasons of Doctor Who might hold out of the public’s consciousness. So while a lot…