It Takes the Fat From 8,800 Pigs to Power a Transatlantic Flight
In the growing search for alternative fuels, scientists are looking to animal fats to power cars, trucks, and even planes one day.
Ebola Species Thought to Be Harmless to Humans Can Sicken Pigs, Raising Alarm Bells
U.S. government scientists have shown in the lab, for the first time, that pigs can become severely sick from a particular species of the Ebola virus, called Reston ebolavirus (RESTV). The virus is known for being the only species of Ebola not to sicken people so far. But the discovery suggests that it can still…
Piglets Born With Monkey Cells Are A World First
Scientists in China created piglets whose organs contained some monkey cells. The piglets all died within a week, illustrating the challenges ahead as researchers work toward the goal of growing human organs inside other animals.
Aussie Farmers Jailed For Smuggling Boar Semen In Shampoo Bottles
A pair of farmers in Australia have been sentenced to prison for their involvement in an elaborate semen racket.