
  • Is Destiny Playable On A Smartphone? [Video]

    Remote Play is a mobile app compatible with the PlayStation 4 that lets you play your games on a mobile device instead of your television. We tried the feature out on a Sony Xperia Z3 smartphone while playing Destiny. Can a cutting-edge 3D video game designed for consoles possibly work on a five-inch screen? Let’s…

  • Watch The Best Game Trailers From E3 This Year

    E3 2014 had some huge moments for any avid gamer. There was a pervasive ‘sequel’ theme in the biggest announcements — existing franchises getting a reboot, or a next-gen upgrade, or some new story — but some experimental titles also caught our attention. The next year in gaming looks to be pretty action-packed.

  • PS4 Owners Watch Three Times As Much Porn As Xbox One Owners

    PS4 Owners Watch Three Times As Much Porn As Xbox One Owners

    According to online porn rental service SugarDVD, three times as many PS4 users as Xbox One users signed up for the site’s console app. The data was taken from the month of December, and as Buzzfeed points out, while there were 3.4 million PS4s sold in comparison to the 2.4 million Xbox Ones, that still…