
  • QOTD: How Would You Rate Australia’s One HD, One Year In?

    Today celebrates the first birthday of Channel 10’s attempt to multi-channel in high definition: One HD. And despite the fact that some areas of Australia still haven’t got the channel, one year seems like a pretty good point to look back and rate the performance of the country’s first true free-to-air HD multichannel offering.

  • QOTD: Does IPTV Do It For You?

    IPTV. It’s like they took your DVR and recorded everything in the world you may ever have had a hint of curiosity about watching, and make it available over the internet. At least, that’s what it aspires to be. But with a few different providers actually starting to offer us Australians IPTV services worth watching,…

  • QOTD: Are You Impressed By Windows Phone 7 Series?

    Unbelievably stupid name aside (Seriously Microsoft? Seven syllables? What were you thinking?), today has been all about the new Windows Mobile launch that happened in Barcelona overnight. It’s a huge change-up for Redmond, who have had essentially the same smartphone operating system in place for most of the past decade. But is it going to…