Totally Silly Animation Brings Random Objects To Life By Drawing Cute Faces On Them
Video: Here’s a dopey animation from Sean Charmatz that imagines a world where every random object has a cute face. That means soup dumplings cling on to the paper when they get picked up, marshmallows enjoy a satisfying dip in hot chocolate, a glass pane closes its eye while getting washed and a Post-It note…
This Is Why Not Everything We Call Random Is Actually Random
Video: It’s true that the word random is commonly used in English, but do we know what it actually means? Vsauce explains it in this video.
Australia’s Top 10 Inventions: The Honourable Mentions
To celebrate Australia Day last week, we took a look at the top 10 inventions Australia has given to the world. But narrowing the list down to just 10 was a difficult task. So today we’re going to have a quick look at some of the runners-up.
Andre Agassi Showed A Naked Picture Of Steffi Graf On His Mobile To Boost An Auction
In an effort to spice up an auction for an autographed dish, tennis legend Andre Agassi offered to show the winner a naked picture of his wife, Steffi Graf, right on his mobile phone. The dish sold for over $US4,000.