rich people
The Climate Crisis Is About Right And Wrong
The World Economic Forum’s annual Davos gathering gives world leaders and rich people the chance to talk about their worst ideas and beliefs. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin really took the cake this year.
Why Did This Company Let Me Fly A $2.7 Million Aircraft?
Somewhere over the Hamptons, the pilot told me to take the controls. To my left, there was a joystick, roughly the same size and dimension as my favourite ’90s arcade game, After Burner. I clutched it, pulled back, and felt the jet climb.
Tech Billionaire Mark Cuban Still Has No Idea How Tweets Work
“For as long as my Twitter feed is private,” tech billionaire Mark Cuban tweeted, “all original tweets are copyrighted and can’t be posted elsewhere without my permission.”
Living In Silicon Valley Sounds Like A Nightmare
The housing situation has gotten so ridiculous in Palo Alto, the original home of Facebook and Google, that there’s a studio up for sale for a cool $US1.3 million ($1.7 million). Bloomberg says that’s totally normal. Good luck using your phone in your stupid overpriced studio, because mobile service is a total crap shoot.