
  • Gabe Newell Turns Into Santa, Gives Out HTC Vives

    Video: Gabe Newell is a nice guy. We already know that from reading Portal 2: The Final Hours, a story in which described Newell’s response to a chronically sick employee offering to resign: “Your job is to get better. That is your job description at Valve.” The company, too, is infamous for the freedom it…

  • This Cool App Could Help Convince Kids Santa Is Real

    This Cool App Could Help Convince Kids Santa Is Real

    Spanish ad agency Shackleton has released a new clever app designed to help convince kids that Santa is real. You only have to place the iPhone behind a closed door and Santapp will play pre-recorded Santa voices, sound effects, and use the flash to make your kid believe something magical is happening at the other…

  • And This Year’s Grossest Christmas Ad Goes To…

    And This Year’s Grossest Christmas Ad Goes To…

    Last year, Poo-Pourri’s ad Girls Don’t Poop proved that humour is the best weapon if you need to advertise a stink-eliminating toilet spray. So this year, for the Christmas campaign, they decided to take their scatological humour a step further and show to the world that Santa suffers from gastric problems too.