
  • Plain Cigarette Packaging Is Working Say Researchers

    Plain Cigarette Packaging Is Working Say Researchers

    The Federal Government scored a massive win over cigarette companies a few weeks ago when the High Court decided in favour of plain packaging in Australia. Now as other countries discuss the similar moves, scientists have discovered that plain packages for cigarettes actually deter people from smoking, especially young women.

  • Healthy Dessert Cigarettes Sound More Addictive Than Real-Life Cigarettes

    Smoke cigarettes? Bad! Eat desserts? Bad! Smoke desserts? Uh, good…? That’s what Vaportrim, a dessert e-cigarette, promises. Yes, I just said dessert cigarette. Vaportrim is an inhaler that’s supposed to taste just like desserts but without the fatty calories and guilt. A dessert you smoke that fulfils your sweets craving? Sign me up.

  • Smoking May Make Your Nipples Fall Off

    According to plastic surgeon Anthony Youn, “smokers who undergo breast lifts are at great risk of losing their nipples.” This is not just a theory. Their nipples may “turn black and fall off”. I can’t imagine a more horrifying scene: