Amazon Asks Its Advertisers to Consider Being a Bit More Invasive
In case you needed yet another reason to shop anywhere but Amazon this holiday season, here’s a good one: The company dropped a whitepaper earlier this week boasting about the stockpile of personal data it collects from every person browsing through its platform.
New WikiLeaks Cache Reveals A Decade Of U.S. Spying On Japan
A new series of documents released by WikiLeaks reveals a list of 35 high-profile targets in Japan that the NSA has spied on since 2006.
CIA Has Vast Database Of International Money Transfers
The Central Intelligence Agency has been busy aggregating a huge database of international money transfers, according to the Wall Street Journal — and it includes financial and personal data of millions of Americans.
Secret NSA Documents And FISA Court Opinions Released By US Government
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in the US has released hundreds of pages of documents related to the US government’s secret interpretation of Patriot Act Section 215 and the NSA’s (mis)use of its massive database of every American’s phone records. The documents were released as a result of EFF’s ongoing Freedom of Information Act…