space science

  • Astronomers Spot a Mystery Object Spewing Dust in Space

    Astronomers Spot a Mystery Object Spewing Dust in Space

    Astronomers looking over data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) recently came across something weird: an object called TIC 400799224 has been fluctuating in brightness, like a star being routinely eclipsed. Their analysis of the observations suggests that TIC 400799224 is actually two stars, one of which is being orbited by a mystery object.…

  • These Hoverboards Might Actually Work…but Only On the Moon

    These Hoverboards Might Actually Work…but Only On the Moon

    Attempts at recreating the hoverboards seen in Back to the Future II have so far been either disappointing self-balancing, two-wheeled vehicles that frequently catch fire, or jet-powered floating platforms that require a highly skilled pilot. But as MIT engineers have recently proposed, creating a levitating vehicle might not be so difficult if we all just…